Are you searching for answers to deep questions? Want some spiritual guidance on everyday issues? Looking for help with your pets? In need of energy balancing for physical issues? Looking for spiritual growth opportunities?
GRACE JAEGER may be just the person to contact. She offers an array of services that are available locally and globally – in person or remotely.
As a PSYCHIC, Grace can provide insights about the present, glimpses of the future and connections with the past.
As a MEDIUM, Grace hosts mediumship reunions with loved ones (human and non-human) that have transitioned to the other side.
As an ANIMAL PSYCHIC and COMMUNICATOR, Grace can connect telepathically with your furry family, improving their lives, while strengthening the relationship between you and them.
As a CONDUIT for Universal Energy, Grace has learned and developed various methods to minimize pain and bring your energy into balance with your divine blueprint. These methods can be used for you and your pets – in person or remotely.
As a TIME STRADDLER, Grace can provide insights into alternate lives that may be affecting this one.
As an AGENT of LIGHT, Grace clears spaces and helps stuck souls find their way home.
As a PROFESSIONAL, Grace shares her knowledge and experience through Growth Opportunities.
As an ORDAINED MINISTER, Grace officiates at weddings and life celebrations.

“Although it’s a mystery, it makes perfect sense to me.” – one client’s perspective on Grace’s work.
Feel free to browse Grace’s website. See what people are saying about her services on the Testimonials page. If you have questions or comments or would like to receive Grace’s newsletters, please feel free to contact her at or 612.986.4730.